Monday, March 31, 2008

Turkey Legs...they're not just for breakfast anymore!!

I went to the Hendersonville Apple Festival about three years ago for the first time! My family and I observed several people walking around with these huge, oversized drumsticks and then we saw the vendor trailor..."TURKEY LEGS" along w/ FUNNEL CAKES, and POPCORN....

Lord, I thought, I never saw that before...must be a mountain thang. Anyway, i kept on thinking that until I recently took a vacation to Universal Studios in Florida, again my family and i observed people walkin around with these huge, oversized drumsticks. My eldest son spoke up and said, "I think i'd like to try one of those!"so we walked across the faux Hollywood Set Street only to find they were charging ...are ya ready...$8 bucks for TURKEY LEGS. (QRML) Oh, people were still buying them could smell the wonderful aroma in the air even just standing by someone enjoying one of these mysterious and tempting treats....but i thought...$8 son said "nevermind"and i said " i ain't that hungry." Well, to make a long story short, 2 days later at Sea World, my family and I, after checking out all the shows, rides, and big fish tricks we could stand, strolled across the bridge to head out of the park. It was a beautiful sunny day and as we neared the exit, a familiar aroma tickled our noses and summoned us to turn toward a friendly lady in a small mobile unit with Coke products. As we considered purchasing some refreshment to wet our whistle, we saw them....TURKEY LEGS!! I, just for laughs, asked, "how much?" The kind woman smiled and said $4 each...."Really we all replied" I looked at my children, and looked at the lady with a smile and said happily...."We'll take 2!!"

I will say that TURKEY LEGS , 2 of them will feed a family of five. They were so delicious and if you have never had one for breakfast, lunch or otherwise, the next time you have about three people (at least) get you one!!

Never tried 'em or have you....let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I Love My North Carolina Home....

Just a note, that any pictures that I personally post on this site, have been taken by me, in the Asheville area, and in no way, represent this awesome land that I call home. Injected, is my sometimes twisted, sometimes romantic, and often times, nostalgic, and perhaps, grandiose, outlook of the place that I call home. I've chosen to live here.
I will make fun of us, but will defend us.. romanticise us, but scoff us, as well...
And as always, QRML..... K

Friday, March 21, 2008

A Quote For The Weekend

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Free Range Animals????

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Now They've Gone Toooooo Dang Far...

For years I've quietly chuckled to myself when someone would insist that they would eat only "free range" chicken or eggs. When the term first came to my consciousness, and being the curious devil that I am, I investigated the difference between the "new and improved" chicken and the regular store bought variety. As it turns out, there is very little difference between the two, and virtually no inspection, oversight, and enforcement processes.
The popular myth that “free-range” egg-laying hens enjoy fresh grass, bask in the sunlight, scratch the earth, sit on their nests, and engage in other natural habits is just plain poppy-cock (pun intended.) In most commercial “free-range” egg farms, hens are crowded inside windowless sheds with little more than a single, narrow exit leading to an outdoor enclosure, too small to accommodate all of the birds at once.
Birds raised for meat ("broilers") may be considered "free-range" if they have U.S. Department of Agriculture-certified access to the outdoors. No other criteria-environmental quality, the size of the outdoor area, the number of birds confined in a single shed, or the indoor or outdoor space allotted per animal-are considered in applying the label. As with "free-range" laying hens, many "free-range" broilers live in a facility with only one small opening at the end of a large shed, permitting only a few birds to go outside at any given time.
And heres the dirty little secret, dear hearts, they rarely venture out anyway. They will, when given the choice, stay in the dang shed.... its their nature!!

Now, I've given you all that information to get to this....

The other day, I was mindlessly laboring, on a room I was preparing to paint. As is always the case, I had the radio blaring Classic Rock as I toiled. The nationally syndicated "Flashback" program was being broadcast... "brought to you, in part by Burt's Bees, made from natural free range bee pollen."
What the....!!! Say what!!!!!!!
I laughed so hard, I nearly swallowed the all natural, organic cigar I clutched tightly between my teeth... and dang near spilled my beer!!! (You can tell I'm a health nut!)
But my laughter was short lived as my mind began to wonder about the non-free range bees of the world. Somewhere out there, there must be sinister bee keepers who are inhumanely warehousing bees, probably pumping them full of pollen gathering hormones, and selectively breeding them for maximum performance, never letting them see the light of day. These Strategically Oppressed Bees (SOB's for short,) surely must exist, otherwise we wouldn't have a need for term free range bees. Those poor SOB's....
As my mind continued to wander, I mean, wonder... what were the requirements to differentiate the free range bees from those poor SOB's? Perhaps the Burt's Bees folk have adopted the same requirements/policies as the chicken farmer.... Design a containment unit that will house, to maximum capacity, a dense population of bees, with small openings to allow a few, but not all of the bees out at any given time. This Homeostasis Induced Virtual Environment (HIVE) would allow them the "unregulated" use of the term Free Range Bees!!!!! Problem solved.
Now just as it was with the chicken, so too, it will be with the free range bees... many will pay the premium for the label of "free range," so they can feel good that they didn't contribute to the the mistreatment of the poor innocent bee. As one bee pollen provider puts it, "Don't be fooled by cheap bee pollen!"

Here's the harsh reality. Worker bees continually gather nectar/pollen and bring it back to the hive until they die!! And that's all they do... gather and die!!!! Its their job.... get over it. And as always, QRML!!!!!

Uncle Jed!!!! Uncle Jed!!!! Better Double Back... Granny's Done Rocked Herself Off'n The Front Porch Again!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Power of Positive Thinking And Management Rationality

A very dear friend of almost thirty years, came to visit the other day to catch up on the latest "goings on..." (you'll notice the obvious lack of the word "gossip.") You see, men don't gossip... we just want to know what's going on. There's a difference!

Now, my friend is a Supervisor in one of the few remaining manufacturing facilities in the Asheville area. That, in itself, is cause for celebration, if you ask me.... but then, you didn't, so I'll continue.

He explained that this fine group of Supervisors had surpassed the Facility's Safety Record... And that's cause for celebration! The fact that no one was "injured," maimed, disabled, or killed in a work related injury is worth the (self) gratuitous "pat on the back." We all want to celebrate landmarks in some fashion, or another. I'm "all over" the positive reinforcement thing.

As my friend continued, he described the upper management's announcement, as to how this group would be rewarded for their stellar achievement....

Hold onto your hats, "Dear Hearts!" You're not going to believe this......

In their infinite wisdom, this "brain trust" has unanimously decided to charter a "Party Bus" to Charlotte, NC, to allow this fine group of Supervisors to drive a NASCAR ready race car, on a bone fide racetrack.

My life's experiences has delved deeply into many of the the elements into the equation put before you..... Road trip+Party Bus+Fast Cars+ (X)= DISASTER

I know I'm not the only one thinking that there is a distinct disconnect in this thinking.

But then I digress...

From my house to Charlotte, is a two hour drive. More than enough time to party hardy. Add the fact that I don't have to pay for it, or drive... I'll be all over that like a "yardbird pickin' at a June bug." I'm gonna drink... And I will encourage my cohorts to keep up.

By the time we get to Charlotte, we'll be ten feet tall... and bullet-proof...

Bravado, "chest thumping," and competition will ensue,

And the call, "Bring out the cars," will be the montra....

Are you with me so far?

What were they thinking????

The only thing missing, is a hot blonde in a pickup truck (X), and the equation is comeplete...

A "Louisianna Saturday Night."

And you don't even want to ask about LA's Safety Record...

But somehow, Party bus, alchohol, and fast cars, represents a reward for a Safety record...
One of those things that make you go.... "Huhh???"

What were they thinking????

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Jesus and a "Flippant" Attitude...

This is a true story, that I've told on more than one occassion. So if you've heard it before, please indulge me. But its worth repeating.
I was leaving Hendersonville, NC, going toward Asheville, on NC191, when a blue Saturn "cut me off," as the driver was entering traffic.
Now, I'm not one to "drive with my horn," but this encounter was so abrubt, that I laid down on my horn, to voice my dissaproval... not to mention that I spilled my coffee.
At this point, not only did the driver of the Saturn "flip me off," but did so with gusto... shaking into her rearview mirror, the universal sign of defiance. I was outraged!!! Not only did this driver impose her place in line in front of me, she did it with a sense that she deserved to place herself in front of me, and be offended that I was not accomodating!!!! Did I mention, I spilled my coffee????
As I backed off of her bumper, I read two bumper stickers, "We Still Pray," and "WWJD?" (What would Jesus do?)..... What the Hell??!!???
My first reaction was, "you'd better 'pray' that I don't catch the next stoplight beside you, b-tch... But then, I thought, perhaps this woman was a teenager, borrowing her Mom's car for an errand. (And we tend to excuse teenagers.)
As fate would have it, the driver of the Saturn pulled into the the left turning lane, at the next stoplight, as I cruised up beside her right side. I looked over to see a woman of at least eighty years old, looking straight ahead, never glansing my way....
I was confused at first, wanting to berate her for her actions, but trying to be respectful of her age.... WWJD?
The irony of the act, the un-Christian-like act, of her symbollicaly telling me to go F--- myself was overpowered by the question, WWJD?
This time, I found joy in hypocracy... I chuckled, got another cup of coffe, and had a great day...
I'd like to think He would have done the same... K
Just one of Life's Ironies

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A redneck wedding! Southern women, we ride in style!!!

I'm Tired of Winter, Ain't You?????

Today was my buddy, Kurt's Birthday.....and, by God, he says today is the first day of Spring and I for one am with him all the way on this one!Usually you can find me running to myspace/IDON' after talking to Kurt, but not this time......I'm ,by God ,Tired of Winter and I'm not gonna stand for it anymore. Who's with me?

Thanks for reading.