Saturday, April 12, 2008

Just A Thought To Pass Along....

The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.
Sir Winston Churchill


Moma Rhodes said...

So Kurt, I came to see what we could discuss. We could discuss if truth is indeed "incontrovertible." My little widget, which I dearly love by the way, defines incontrovertible as "not able to be denied or disputed." I don't think all truth is incontrovertible otherwise we would not have disagreements. I think it is the belief that truth is incontrovertible that causes disagreements...........hmmmmmm......that's some deep ****! HA!

But it is a point to ponder. When everyone can clearly see the same thing in a given situation then the truth is incontrovertible. What do you think of the concept that perhaps truth is relative? Now, answer on this blog here KURT!!!!!!!! he he he

Kurt said...

Dear Judy,
There are certain truths...
Look at my subsequent post and comment...
You have no clue as to how important your challenges are to me...
A mind left dormant, is "brain dead..."
And while minds tend to think and question...
The ways to get to it may change.... but truth remains constant...
And there is a truth...
Truth is ....